
Wednesday, 8 November 2017

When I Stayed At School

When I stayed at school and the others went to the film festival there was only three other kids that stayed with me. Mrss Vickers told us to go outside for a little play and then we went inside. I had to read the little kids a story. Then Miss Vickers told us to come back then I had to help Mathew with the toys then me and Jacob had to write how much words we knew. I had ten minutes to write and I had 194. But some of my writing words were wrong. 

Sunday, 29 October 2017


I done some research about pseudoscience witch means true or false.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Monday, 16 October 2017

Kiwi in the city


                                                     Follow up

Today for reading I am doing quiz and I will be testing Tristan
Tristan answers

giant weta
N.I robins
Tristan got 8/8

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Information About New Zealand

I was doing an information report on New Zealand and it is about New Zealand best sports players
and how big is the area.

Monday, 4 September 2017


D2=Tasman sea

D5=Bay of plenty
D7=Raukumara Range
E4=Rangitoto range
Today for reading we were figuring out how to do these answers up top in are map beside it said a b c d e f g and the ones up top and down bottom were 1234567.

Monday, 21 August 2017

When I Got my Puppies

When I was in Dunedin I got three puppies from my uncle. I only got to have them for four months.

Then when we heard our uncle was outside he said that I could have two. My mate wanted puppies too so we only got to keep one. So when we got to keep him my mum named him Brownie. When his brothers left he was scared because when he was with his brothers they where play fighting and cuddling together. 

When they went to sleep they would go to sleep together. I checked on them to make sure they weren't hungry, thirsty or cold. The hard part was when they went to the toilet in there room. I put a news paper every where so they didn't go to the toilet on the floor. If they did my mum would tell them to sleep outside in the kennel. They hated sleeping out in the kennel because when they slept out in the kennel my mum would say that I'm wasn't allowed to put a blanket on them. But when my mum and dad went to sleep in the middle of the night I would sneak out and put the blanket on them. When they were very cold they would shiver then start wining and I hated wining. I could hear them wining and would start to get mad so that's why I put a blanket on them.

After a couple of months I was going to stay over my nans house for a couple of days. My brother and I arrived and we started playing on the PS3. The game we were playing was called Call of Duty, it's a very fun game. 

We left on Friday and I was excited to see my other puppy because my uncle said that he was going to go get me a new puppy and he was yellowish and black. The one that I liked was the black and yellowish one because he was easy to take care of. My other puppy was hard to take care of. When I got home I started to play with them because I really liked playing with them. I got to teach them how to sit, roll over and all other kinds of things. The most fun part was when we were running around and they were trying to get me. The hard part was when I was running away from them and trying to hide. My friends would come over my house we would play hide and seek with the dogs too. We would put them in the house and they would play around so the person that was hiding would hide away from the dog so that made the dogs the seekers. We would let them out and try to find the person that was hiding. We would not tell the dogs because we timed them. 

After 5 minutes we would tell them where they were. These were some of the fun things I did when I got my puppies.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Can You Shake As Fast As A Rattlesnake Tail?

Did you know?
A rattlesnake can shake there tail 60 times a second.

It's loud enough to hear from 100 feet away.

Coral snakes rarely bite humans but when they do they cause death.

The king cobra is the largest heaviest poisonous animal in the world.

Adults often reach a length of 14 feet.

Monday, 14 August 2017

My favourite memory in Taranaki

My favourite memory is when I went to Taranaki. I went because my Nan said that she was going to drop off her niece to Whanganui. I was suppose to go to Taranaki last holidays to see my cousin's Dayton and Lexus but I didn't so my Nan and papa were going to drop me off on Saturday. I was so excited that I was going because I missed all of my cousins that were down in Taranaki.

The next Saturday morning we had to wake up very early to pick up my aunty so we could drop her off to Whanganui. When we arrived to Taranaki all my aunties, cousins and uncles were outside waiting for me so they could get a hug. My aunty told me to go put my stuff upstairs and said relax because it was a long ride.

The next day at my aunty's house we went to go see my other aunty at her home and it was quite cool. They had a big TV on the shelf and a Xbox 360 just like my cousin's at his house. My cousin had more and more games to play though but some of them were scratched because of his little brother Daz. His little brother Daz could do a cart wheel back flip off the balcony and onto the ground which was pretty cool.

Later that night we were playing on the Xbox 360 and it was cool playing with my cousin. The game we were playing was a two player game which was Mask Off Two, it's a gun game and it's so fun to play because you get to make your own mask. I made my mask like a clown and a devil and the one that I liked the most was the devil one. My cousin made a clown and a monster one and the one he liked was the monster one.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Back To School

When I come to school I feel happy because I get to play with my friends and do writing, reading and other things on my Chromebook.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Skip Off!

This is when we were outside and it was a skipping competition and we had to pick about 3 or 4 people from each class. We did the junior competition and Reality came first then Otolose and 3rd came Jacob. We dis the senior skip off and it was very tough it was out of room 10, 11  and 12. A lot of people stopped when it was nearly at the finish we had three students still left it was Limiteti. Fakaola and Meana. First was Limiteti, second came Fakaola and third came Meana.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Fidget spinners!

Fidget spinners are very cool. Sometimes they can be boring. The cool thing about it is that there are different kinds of fidget spinners like glowing ones or circled ones. My favourite one is the glowing one.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

A Country Like Mine

Spirit Animals read a book called "A Country Like Mine" When I read this I learned about Muslims. Did you know that they call their grandpas ayatollah? Did you also know that their church day is on a Friday. In Iran boys and girls go to separate schools.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Playing soccer with Hanna

Every Wednesday we do kiwi sport. Our coach is Hanna she was teaching us football skills like how to dribble and how to control the ball. We played octopus, stuck in the mud and terminator tag.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

We Will Miss Dominic

 We are all going to miss Dominic because he made us laugh and smile every day so we all wished him good luck at his new school.  

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Puppet Making in Cambodia

Today we read a bookcalled Puppet Making in Cambodia. It was making puppets. In Cambodia puppet making was a very strong art but was lost along the way because of politics. In schools they learn how to make real leather puppets.

Tonga information

We had to split up into three groups and investigate different things on Tonga. Things like traditional food, costume and many other things. Check our presentation out to find out more!

Thursday, 25 May 2017

The Dangerous Game

We are reading a play and we are going to, represent it in front of our class because, every Wednesday we do plays and are play is about when there stretching for a rugby tournament and they rang up on the phone and told the coach we wont be playing today because there players are sick so they took a photo and all of them said i cant see.  

Sunday, 7 May 2017

A Bunch Of Peanuts

I was reading "A Bunch Of Peanuts" and when I finished reading it we had to write step by step information on how to make peanuts

Friday, 21 April 2017

Facts about ANZAC.

Quick poppy facts I collected for reading.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Questions about ANZAC

We want you all to know about ANZAC because it is an important celebration for people in New Zealand.

Monday, 10 April 2017

ANZAC celebration

Some people like ANZAC because they protect our country and when they died poppies grew on Flanders Field. ANZAC is on April the 25th.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Duffy assembly

When we went to assembly we got our Duffy books from Robert and Henry. Henry said that his kid was tidying his room when he had to leave with his friend. Henry who is the dad started cleaning his sons room when he found his favorite book and he lay in his sons bed and read the book called "Asterix".

Monday, 27 March 2017

Letting people know how to look after there siblings.

I am letting people know how to look after your siblings. In reading we read a text called "How to Be a Dog's Best Friend" so for our follow up I wrote this.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

How to make your lunch for school

WALT write a successful procedure.
I can state my goal in the beginning of my writing.

I can be able to write a successful procedure.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Do you now what the time is?

We have been learning how to read the time for maths. We all thought it was quite easy and some people thought it wasn't. I know how to read half past, quarter to, quarter past and o'clock times.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Sunday, 12 March 2017

To learn you need to listen

On the first week of school we all had to write our name near our class treaty and we all had to say one sentence. We had to write our name on the no bully zone contact as well.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

My leaning goals

This year for my learning I'm going to try to be better than before and finish my work on time. I'm going to use punctuation in my writing and at home I will learn my times tables especially my 6 and 7 times. Also I will find keywords to help me understand the meaning of a story.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Duffy is back

In the beginning of the term we watched a Duffy show. The characters names were Duffy, Global Girl, Lord Zendax, Moana, Koala, Mother Earth and Bush Fire. All of the little kids loved it because they were all laughing. Duffy and Global Girl were trying to save the world. The superhero, Global Girl, didn't know how to read and she did not like her boss. Her bosses name was Lord Zendax because she always would be a grump to Global Girl. Duffy turned into a superhero and him and Global Girl saved the day. The kids liked singing the Duffy song and when Duffy and Global Girl did a science experiment. all of us said that science is cool and all of room 10 boys were saying "I want to do science when I grow up!"

Monday, 20 February 2017

I like school

Welcome! I am back and ready to blog in 2017! I like school and playing at home I always play on my phone and I play on my PS3. The game I always play is called Call of Duty. It is so hard to play online but if you vs bots it is much more easier. I always beat them with a sniper and my tama hook. I also like playing WWE with my brother. Sometimes I go to my cousins house and play with them.