
Monday, 28 November 2016

We love Faster Internet

We have created image notes to share our messages for a better internet.


Unknown said...

Hi Brazie,

It is wonderful to see that you are advocating for faster internet. It is so important that we all have good internet if we want to communicate with each other and if we want to blog with each other this holiday. Speaking of blogging, we would love it if you would consider joining our holiday blogging programme called a Summer Learning Journey. Hundreds of students are currently participating and we're having a lot of fun learning, creating and sharing our blogs/comments.

To join the programme, simply hop onto the Summer Learning Journey website (, click on the 'Weekly Activities' tab, choose from one of 60 different activities and post a blog about it.

I will read your blog and post a comment back. I also have other teachers and students who would love to read your blog posts and provide comments. You will earn points for each blog that you post and I'll keep track of your points.

At the end of the summer I'll come to Ruapotaka to hand out certificates and to bring prizes for the Top 3 bloggers in your school. I really hope that you'll join us and be in to win a great prize!

You can start blogging any time that you want from now until the end of the January. The programme officially ends on Friday 27 January.

Hope to see you online this month!


Unknown said...

Kia ora!

I'm Mark, a teacher working with Rachel on the Summer Learning Journey.

We have 8 days left on the SLJ and I just thought I would remind you that you can join in anytime! It is never too late. Plus if you're running out of things to do, this is definitely an interesting and worthwhile way to spend you time.

The point of the journey is to keep your mind sharp for when school starts by make you use all the skills you developed last year. The activities are designed to be interesting and are only as hard as you want to make them.

At this point in the journey, you don't even have to do all the activities, or even do them in order! You can just pick and choose. Everything is cool as long as you're getting that brain up to speed.

I hope to see you online soon and blasting through some of these activities. If you don't know where to find them, then just follow the link below. Remember to post the answers on your blog-site and label them with their day and activity number.

If you decide not to however, it is all good! I hope you have been doing your own reading and writing over the holiday period anyway, and I wish you all the very best for the 2017 year at school!

Kia kaha, never give up and always do your best!


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